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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Think you're fast on a bike... think again

John Howard is faster than you. He was clocked at 152.6mph on a bicycle. Seriously! He also biked 593 miles in 24 hours...

If you haven't heard that name before, you probably don't bike much. If you do bike, well then I don't know what to say. John Howard is quite the legend when it comes to cycling. And he is also a big supporter of the Challenged Athletes Foundation!!

First off, I want to say thank you to John Howard for donating one of his Power FiTTE's for my Million Dollar Challenge raffle fundraiser. This is the ultimate bike fitting and is designed to maximize the efficiency in your cycling (a $250 value). If you bike a lot, you definitely don't want to miss on this chance.


Here is a nice little piece on John Howard along with a Q&A courtesy of Pez Cycling. It's a good read - Click Here

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