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This is no ordinary raffle, so please read carefully. Your odds are really good. In fact, you  can guarantee yourself to win something.

My awesome sponsors (link) have donated a plethora of items to help the Challenged Athletes Foundation reach it's $1 million dollar goal, and for me to personally raise $10,000.


There are over about 40 items totaling more than $12,000 in value, and all donations are tax deductible (CAF Tax ID# 33-0739596).

Raffle Dates: Ends October 1st and all winners will be announced October 5th

Donations will only be accepted through PayPal and you DO NOT need a PayPal account to donate (just click the "continue" link under the credit card logos to donate).

Here are a few quick notes:
  1. This is a fixed odds raffle which means that the odds for each winning item are known ahead of time.
  2. I am only offering a small number of tickets for each item to keep the odds of winning higher. Other raffles have a 1:100 or 1:1000 odds, depending on the number of tickets sold. This raffle has 1:20 up through 1:1 odds on different items -- yes that's a guarantee to win for some items.
  3. Since the odds are very good for each item, the ticket price is also a bit higher. They range from $10 to $200 per ticket per item. You can purchase as many tickets as you want for one OR multiple items. You can even buy out ALL the items in the raffle for a discount -- see the SUPER Tickets.
  4. Remember, do the math on the prices and you'll see they are to your advantage.
  5. After deciding on which items you are interested in, click on the PURCHASE link and use Pay Pal to purchase raffle tickets. You can add multiple raffle tickets to your cart and then check out. You do not need a PayPal account to purchase raffle tickets.
  6. There are 2 groups of items: (1) Items for CYCLISTS and (2) Items for EVERYONE. I'll ship the items to you if needed, otherwise you can pick them up. (US and International). If International, you will have to pay duties/taxes.
  7. No refunds on donations -- you can't give to charity and take it back. shame on you!
Please help CAF and my fundraising efforts by buying tickets for these raffle items. $10,000 is a lot to raise and it all goes towards helping the CAF athletes. 

There are LOTS and LOTS of great items -- really, just take a look. Seriously, just go look. 


Remember, donations are tax deductible!

If you are NOT interested in any of the raffle items, I hope you consider making a general donation to help my fundraising efforts and CAF. You can click on this link to make a general online donation to help my efforts.. Any contribution you make will help the athletes from CAF with prosthetics and the chance to compete in sports again.

Any amount will help towards the $10,000 goal! If you're not convinced, read a little bit more about CAF to understand what we are doing. We are helping amazing people achieve great things!

CAF Homepage
CAF Twitter
CAF Facebook
CAF YouTube

More info about Challenged Athletes Foundation:

The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) is a world leader in helping individuals with physical challenges get involved – and stay involved – in sports. CAF believes that participation in sports at any level increases self-esteem, encourages independence and enhances quality of life. Since 1994, more than $25 million has been raised and almost 4,800 funding requests from challenged athletes in all 50 states and dozens of countries have been satisfied.

These individuals have been paralyzed, debilitated, and lost the use of their arms and legs from serving in the military, disease, accident, or through a genetic birth defect. Our mission is to help them return to their normal lives and to even compete with professionals, without the artificial boundaries and walls their disability typically places on people. Some of our challenged athletes have been able to even compete in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon from the support of CAF (info).

My goal is to raise $10,000. 
I'm far from it.

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