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Hi Friends and Family,

I'm doing a charity bike ride from San Francisco to San Diego (620 miles) to support Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) and truly need your support to personally raise $10,000 to provide grants for disabled individuals throughout the world to help them return to living a normal life. The deadline is Sept 15th.

You can even get a 7-course dinner. Read to the bottom

(You do not need a PayPal account to donate. All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a letter from CAF)

Yeah yeah, another email asking for money to fundraise for some event. Give this one a few minutes please...3 is enough.

If you were paralyzed, a double-leg amputee, or a quadriplegic, how would your life be different? Would you be able to run with your kids, play basketball, or even drive a car? 

What about walking across the Great Wall of China, sailing solo across the Pacific Ocean, or finishing 8 IronMan triathlons? 

The people of Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) have done all these things, and it's only through your generous support can we help other disabled individuals continue to live the normal and fully functional lives that we all enjoy.
  • Charity Event: CAF Dodge Million Dollar Challenge
  • What: I'm riding my bike from San Francisco to San Diego (620 miles from October 15 - 21, 2011) to raise $1 million dollars for grants to disabled individuals so they can return back to a normal life. (100 riders x $10,000 = $1 million goal)
  • Who are you helping?: The people we help are across the globe and have been paralyzed, debilitated, and have lost the use of their arms/legs from serving in the military, disease, accident, OR through a genetic birth defect. Our mission is to help them return to their normal lives and continue living, without the artificial boundaries and walls their disability typically places on people. Insurance does not cover the cost to help them receive specialized equipment, prostheses, and rehab, but the grants we provide them will.
  • Message: Despite having severe physical challenges, a normal, functional and wonderful life can be lived with the support of charities such as CAF. Luvo, a 20-year old who lost both his legs from being run over by a train when he was young, has walked on wooden pegs for the majority of his life. CAF was able to provide Luvo a pair of brand new legs which allowed him to walk for the first time since he lost his legs 15 years ago. He is now one of the best challenged basketball players in Africa -- so good that he can now make a living for himself and his family through basketball.

IMPORTANT INFO: So honestly, this charity means a lot to me. This will be my 3rd year doing this bike ride from SF to SD for CAF. Your support will significantly change the lives of people you will be helping across the world. For all the suffering, pain, and hopelessness these individuals have gone through AND overcome, your support will allow that many more people to overcome those same challenges as well.

$10,000 is not an easy amount to raise by September 15th. I really need your help!

For the largest donation that comes in, I will come to your home and cook a plated 7-course dinner for you and 5 other people (this is a  real deal dinner -- check out facebook to see). I will also consider side offers (i.e., donations) for securing a dinner for you and your friends. Be creative -- get a bunch of folks to contribute to the pot and donate.

At this point, all I can say is THANK YOU for reading this far, and I really really hope you can help CAF and help me reach my $10,000 goal for a cause I am tremendously passionate about.


501C3 Non-Profit, Tax ID # 33-0739596

Great videos of the people you are helping:
CAF Goes to Haiti
    Reach High

There are no boundaries. Quitting is not an option. Changing Lives, One Athlete at a Time.

501C3 Non-Profit, Tax ID # 33-0739596

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