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The Route

Below is the route we will be taking from San Francisco to San Diego. The route profiles are the interesting part and should give you an idea of the amount of climbing we have to do everyday.

Day 1: San Francisco to Santa Cruz 86.1
Day 2: Santa Cruz to Big Sur 86.1
Day 3: Big Sur to San Luis Obispo 114
Day 4: Pismo Beach to Santa Barbara 119.2
Day 5: Santa Barbara to Santa Monica 86.2
Day 6: Santa Monica to Newport Beach 56.1
Day 7: Newport Beach to La Jolla 72.1

Day One: Saturday, October 16, 2010
San Francisco to Santa Cruz - 86 miles
The journey begins along the Embarcadero, with breathtaking views of the Golden Gate Bridge. We then proceed through beautiful Golden Gate Park which leads to the Great Highway and eventually to Highway 1. The terrain is mostly comprised of gentle rolling hills except for the big 1.5 mile climb over Devil's Slide. We continue down the scenic coastline all the way to the picturesque town of Santa Cruz.
Day Two: Sunday, October 17, 2010
Santa Cruz to Big Sur - 86 miles
We start the ride along some bustling city streets which quickly turn into farmland and eventually lead to a beautiful bike trail, completely protected, all the way to Monterey. From Monterey, we head down the coastline through the hills leading to Big Sur.
Day Three: Monday, October 18, 2010
Big Sur to Pismo Beach - 114 miles
This will be the most challenging day of the ride, with a series of climbs which are rewarded with breathtaking views! Next we pass through San Simeon, the home of Hearst Castle, and then through the quaint town of Cambia. We will enjoy a great bike lane all the way to San Luis Obispo.
Day Four: Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pismo Beach to Santa Barbara - 119 miles
We head inland taking in the beauty of the local farmlands until we connect with the rolling and scenic wine road leading us to local vineyards. After lunch we continue the journey through the quaint town of Solvang until we reconnect with Highway 101. We will encounter some rolling hills on this leg, and a section well traveled by motorists, but will enjoy a nice wide bike lane leading us into Santa Barbara.
Day Five: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Santa Barbara to Santa Monica - 89 miles
As we leave Santa Barbara, we will pass through many of California’s famous beach towns that boast legendary surfing, as well as a combination of more farmland and city streets. Enjoy this varied scenery and very flat terrain all the way to Malibu, where we hit more rolling hills.
Day Six: Thursday, October 21, 2010
Santa Monica to Newport Beach - 53 miles
We will ride along the famous Venice Beach bike path straight through the middle of the beach on a route shared with rollerbladers, beach cruisers, skateboarders and pedestrians. Keep your eyes wide open through this extremely scenic section!! We will have one big climb and then we drop into Long Beach. We continue our journey through bustling beach towns and enjoy mostly flat terrain until we reach Newport Beach.
Day Seven: Friday, October 22, 2010
Newport Beach to La Jolla - 72 miles
We begin the day traveling over rolling hills that lead into to Dana Point then it is homeward bound finishing with our familiar San Diego County coastline route to La Jolla.

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