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Friday, August 20, 2010

MDC Rider Profile - Chris Self

We rode with Chris last year and it was great - we could hardly keep up with him. You definitely want him on your side if you were in a dark alley =)

Chris Self, MDC Rider, CAF Operation Rebound Athlete
Age: 43
Resides: Clarksville, TN

Master Sergeant Chris Self is a 22 year United States Army veteran.  In December 2005, while serving in Iraq, Chris sustained gunshot wounds to both legs during a combat operation.  One bullet severed the sciatic nerve in his right leg, which left him paralyzed.
Prior to his injury, Chris was extremely active.  He competed in triathlons, cycling events, and ran in numerous marathons.  He was especially active with his three children who love to play and hang out with their Dad. 
Chris was determined not to let his injury slow him down.  With his wife Dana by his side, Chris made the decision to have his paralyzed right leg amputated.  On July 13, 2006, seven months after he was wounded, Chris endured a successful surgery to remove his right leg. 
With the help of CAF Operation Rebound and his own determination, Chris is now back to the active lifestyle he had known prior to his injury.  Chris is currently deployed and training indoors for the MDC! He will be riding tandem down the coast with Gil Magallanes, the first military tandem team to attempt the ride.  Chris’ resilience and positive attitude highlight what he and other injured troops are capable of doing when given the opportunity.  

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