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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Progress Report on the knee

This week kicks off my first of three physical therapy sessions at Torrey Pines Orthopedic Center. My therapist is Todd and he was great.

He did an examine and the news was positive. I should be ok within 4 weeks and can start training hard by then. That doesn't leave me much time though, but at least the prognosis is good.

Also went to the doc today, and he quickly checked out my knee. He said I'll be fine by mid-sept... no contact sports (duh!).

So the one interesting thing I learned was about the internal bleeding on my knee. The doc said at first when you get injured, the bleeding remains deep within the injury spot. As time goes on, the bleeding starts to move towards the surface of the skin. That is why I started seeing more bleeding a few weeks after the injury...

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