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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rider Profile - Duane Wagner

What would you do if you didn't have any legs? 

Duane Wagner would just put them on and forge on ahead. Last year, while we were having dinner in Santa Cruz, Duane put a lot in perspective for me. He was talking about how he is challenged and what that has done to his life. Simply put, Duane said that losing his legs was probably one of the best things that's happened to him... only because it has opened so many new doors for him. He has tried so many things he normally wouldn't have and pushed himself further than he thought he could go.

I really like this quote from Duane:  “ [it's] just an inconvenience, some put on eye glasses to help them read, I put on my legs and ride.”

Duane Wagner, MDC Rider, CAF Operation Rebound Athlete

Age: 63
Resides: Mesa, AZ

Duane was born and raised in Arizona.  In 1966, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as an infantryman and subsequently was deployed to Vietnam.  Duane served as a member of a Combat Action Company to provide security and medical care to villagers in Quang Tri Province. 
In the early morning hours of May 15, 1967, Duane’s company was attacked by enemy mortar and small arms fire.  Close combat quickly ensued and Duane was hit by an enemy hand grenade that blew off both of his legs below the knee.  Though severely wounded, he dragged himself and another injured Marine to safety.  For his actions, Duane was awarded the Silver Star.
Upon returning to the U.S., Duane was told by doctors that he would never walk again.  He defied the doctors the very first day he received his prosthetic legs, walking without the aid of a cane or crutches. He then began riding a bike every day and soon became an elite long-distance cyclist.  In 2008, Duane became a member of CAF Operation Rebound and now serves as a mentor to many newly injured veterans, supporting their efforts to become active again after experiencing traumatic injuries like he did. 
Duane does not consider himself disabled, rather sees it as “just an inconvenience, some put on eye glasses to help them read, I put on my legs and ride.” After 25 years of cycling, he continues to demonstrate that losing his legs won’t slow him down!  This will be Duane’s third MDC and when asked why he enjoys participation in CAF events, Duane responded, “To show people that life goes on.” –Duane Wagner.

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