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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Think you're fast on a bike... think again

John Howard is faster than you. He was clocked at 152.6mph on a bicycle. Seriously! He also biked 593 miles in 24 hours...

If you haven't heard that name before, you probably don't bike much. If you do bike, well then I don't know what to say. John Howard is quite the legend when it comes to cycling. And he is also a big supporter of the Challenged Athletes Foundation!!

First off, I want to say thank you to John Howard for donating one of his Power FiTTE's for my Million Dollar Challenge raffle fundraiser. This is the ultimate bike fitting and is designed to maximize the efficiency in your cycling (a $250 value). If you bike a lot, you definitely don't want to miss on this chance.


Here is a nice little piece on John Howard along with a Q&A courtesy of Pez Cycling. It's a good read - Click Here

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rider Profile - Duane Wagner

What would you do if you didn't have any legs? 

Duane Wagner would just put them on and forge on ahead. Last year, while we were having dinner in Santa Cruz, Duane put a lot in perspective for me. He was talking about how he is challenged and what that has done to his life. Simply put, Duane said that losing his legs was probably one of the best things that's happened to him... only because it has opened so many new doors for him. He has tried so many things he normally wouldn't have and pushed himself further than he thought he could go.

I really like this quote from Duane:  “ [it's] just an inconvenience, some put on eye glasses to help them read, I put on my legs and ride.”

Duane Wagner, MDC Rider, CAF Operation Rebound Athlete

Age: 63
Resides: Mesa, AZ

Duane was born and raised in Arizona.  In 1966, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as an infantryman and subsequently was deployed to Vietnam.  Duane served as a member of a Combat Action Company to provide security and medical care to villagers in Quang Tri Province. 
In the early morning hours of May 15, 1967, Duane’s company was attacked by enemy mortar and small arms fire.  Close combat quickly ensued and Duane was hit by an enemy hand grenade that blew off both of his legs below the knee.  Though severely wounded, he dragged himself and another injured Marine to safety.  For his actions, Duane was awarded the Silver Star.
Upon returning to the U.S., Duane was told by doctors that he would never walk again.  He defied the doctors the very first day he received his prosthetic legs, walking without the aid of a cane or crutches. He then began riding a bike every day and soon became an elite long-distance cyclist.  In 2008, Duane became a member of CAF Operation Rebound and now serves as a mentor to many newly injured veterans, supporting their efforts to become active again after experiencing traumatic injuries like he did. 
Duane does not consider himself disabled, rather sees it as “just an inconvenience, some put on eye glasses to help them read, I put on my legs and ride.” After 25 years of cycling, he continues to demonstrate that losing his legs won’t slow him down!  This will be Duane’s third MDC and when asked why he enjoys participation in CAF events, Duane responded, “To show people that life goes on.” –Duane Wagner.

Does Music Help When Working Out?

Interesting article. Seems pretty straightforward, but I like the point that we push ourselves harder with music, even though we feel it. Many times working out seems easier with music since it serves as a distraction, but this article says that's not necessarily the case -- we just go harder.
Well: Phys Ed: Does Music Make You Exercise Harder?
Published: August 25, 2010
Just how music impacts the body during exercise is only slowly being teased out by scientists.
Read more below.

Biking to Oceanside

74 degrees F, 30-40% humidity. Slight breeze. This was one of the nicest days in SD that I've seen.

Progress Report on the knee

This week kicks off my first of three physical therapy sessions at Torrey Pines Orthopedic Center. My therapist is Todd and he was great.

He did an examine and the news was positive. I should be ok within 4 weeks and can start training hard by then. That doesn't leave me much time though, but at least the prognosis is good.

Also went to the doc today, and he quickly checked out my knee. He said I'll be fine by mid-sept... no contact sports (duh!).

So the one interesting thing I learned was about the internal bleeding on my knee. The doc said at first when you get injured, the bleeding remains deep within the injury spot. As time goes on, the bleeding starts to move towards the surface of the skin. That is why I started seeing more bleeding a few weeks after the injury...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Endomondo Cycling Workout - Back to Solana Beach

and the return trip... i love san diego. thank you runners for making the ride back that much better.

Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 18.36 miles in 1h:06m:30s using Endomondo."

Endomondo Cycling Workout - Off to Oceanside

out to oceanside and back. Today was really one of the most beautiful days I've seen here in SD.

It was a good ride too... didn't push too hard, but still did reasonably well. Patience... patience... i must have patience

Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 17.42 miles in 59m:38s using Endomondo."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Endomondo Cycling Workout

another recovery ride. a bit longer, a bit faster.

Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 27.82 miles in 1h:53m:32s using Endomondo."

Friday, August 20, 2010

How I miss my bike...

I love my bike. Yes.. I said it. I love my Specialized Roubaix... and I'm having withdrawals. The only other item that has had my butt grace it for a longer time than my bike saddle is my couch. This knee injury is keeping me off my bike, but I guess it has the advantage that I can spend more time raising money for CAF.

It's just a well made bike... plus it doesn't hurt that Alberto and Frank (TDF 1st and 2nd place winners) ride Specialized bikes as well. If you don't know who those guys are, check out this funny commercial:

In it to win it - Alberto vs Frank

But every time I walk by my bike, I get a little sad. I've had some good times with that bike. It's an escape from the world when I ride it. I can see the beautiful scenery of San Diego. And I get some exercise while doing all of that. Plus, it's been good to me. (knock on wood).

Alas, I shall try riding my bike a little tomorrow and see how it goes. I can't totally ignore my Specialized... it's been good to me.

Carbon Connections USA -- THANK YOU!!!!

Having sent hundreds of emails to companies, one of the biggest donations just came in this week. I was pleasantly surprised and more than appreciative of the donation that Carbon Connections USA made.

I received an email saying, "We'd like to donate a bike. A Focus Tri Bike". My jaw dropped. Bikes are not cheap, let alone a handmade bike coming from Germany (Focus Bike). I was ecstatic because this would make a great raffle item.

I headed to the shop in Carlsbad before it closed and met the owners Gerald and Bob. They were so nice and supportive of what we are doing with CAF. This father and son team are were so nice and humble about what they do. It was really refreshing to see that and just talk with them for some time.

They showed me the bike, and damn it was nice!! It's a beautiful tri bike from Focus handmade in Germany.

This is going to make a great great raffle item!! Thank you Carbon Connections USA. You guys really rock for supporting CAF and the challenged athletes.

If you're looking into starting triathlons or even begin biking, this is a great bike to get you on your way. Everything is carbon, even down to the wheels.
More Info Here

MDC Rider Profile - Chris Self

We rode with Chris last year and it was great - we could hardly keep up with him. You definitely want him on your side if you were in a dark alley =)

Chris Self, MDC Rider, CAF Operation Rebound Athlete
Age: 43
Resides: Clarksville, TN

Master Sergeant Chris Self is a 22 year United States Army veteran.  In December 2005, while serving in Iraq, Chris sustained gunshot wounds to both legs during a combat operation.  One bullet severed the sciatic nerve in his right leg, which left him paralyzed.
Prior to his injury, Chris was extremely active.  He competed in triathlons, cycling events, and ran in numerous marathons.  He was especially active with his three children who love to play and hang out with their Dad. 
Chris was determined not to let his injury slow him down.  With his wife Dana by his side, Chris made the decision to have his paralyzed right leg amputated.  On July 13, 2006, seven months after he was wounded, Chris endured a successful surgery to remove his right leg. 
With the help of CAF Operation Rebound and his own determination, Chris is now back to the active lifestyle he had known prior to his injury.  Chris is currently deployed and training indoors for the MDC! He will be riding tandem down the coast with Gil Magallanes, the first military tandem team to attempt the ride.  Chris’ resilience and positive attitude highlight what he and other injured troops are capable of doing when given the opportunity.  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Endomondo Cycling Workout

My first recovery ride after my injury... at the end of it, I didn't feel any pain, but I had some internal bleeding at my MCL =(

Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 11.93 miles in 44m:05s using Endomondo."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rudy Project - Thank You!!!

The next time someone asks you about a company with an amazing PR department, I hope you say Rudy Project USA!! These folks are awesome.

Rudy Project designs hi-tech sunglasses, goggles, helmets, and accessories. They have some really cool products and even better, they frequently have some amazing deals on their online store -- 75% off products.

So I sent a donation request letter to them on Monday for any products they could provide to support my raffle. I went to my front door after some biking and was surprised to find a rather large box. I looked at the shipping label and it said "RUDY PROJECT USA". 
I opened it up and boom... there was a Syton Time Trial helmet sitting in the box. 

Holy heck... I had just sent the email to them and they already shipped a great product donation, no questions asked. That's service and that's support!!!

Thank you very much Rudy Project for helping with my fundraiser. You guys are great for helping out so quickly. And cycling sunglasses and helmets are really good... I was amazed at how light they are.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Road to recovery...

I'm out. Not riding. Not running. Not doing anything. My MCL (medial collateral ligament) is toast.

I was playing soccer at the Sportsplex and it was the first game of the season. Within the first 5 minutes of the game my soccer season ended and more troubling, my biking would come to a complete halt.

I went for a hard shot at the goal. As my right leg was fully extended, a player from the other team decided to run perpendicularly across my leg as hard as possible. And next thing I knew, I was on the ground -- and I also missed the shot!! damn.

I tried to stand up again, but couldn't. This was bad news... really bad news. This was the first time my knees had been injured and I was praying it wasn't something super serious.

I rested a bit on the sidelines and trying getting on the field again. Ha!! What a mistake. I made a sprint for the goal after juking a defender, missed the shot (yeah.. it was an off day) and then collapsed. I could barely stand. Bad news bears has arrived!

After getting home and my leg, I had a hunch my MCL was torn. I went to the doctor a few days later and he confirmed that I had strained my MCL and it's likely a Grade 2 tear. I could walk with some pain, there wasn't much swelling, but I definitely had no stability in my right knee. CRAP!! At least no surgery and about a 6-8 week full recovery.

I've been resting since the beginning of August, but have been pretty upset about this injury -- actually very very upset.

1) I was hitting a peak in biking and performance, and now I feel like I'm going to take 10 steps backwards.
2) I will be off the bike for at least 4 weeks and can't do anything else either
3) I will miss so many CAF training rides. And I don't know how I'm going to make up those miles and time with the other riders.
4) I miss my bike.

Let's see how this goes. If I'm back on the bike in mid-sept, that leaves me basically 1 month to pack in almost 600 - 1000 miles for training. oh boy oh boy. This is going to be fun. Stupid Soccer!!
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Biking and blogging to support Challenged Athletes