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Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Soap Opera Star Riding Down the Coast -- MDC Rider Profile Paul Bradbury

Get to know MDC rider Paul Bradbury
Age: 41
Resides: Slough, England

Paul has always been keen on partaking in sports.  As a young boy, he was a cross country runner as well as a soccer goalkeeper and striker. After leaving school at the age of 16, Paul worked amusing jobs with carnival marquees, fair side stalls and entertainment productions.  He entered the fitness industry a few years later, starting off as a part time gym instructor and developing into a long standing personal trainer.  Nowadays, he trains people of all different levels, from first time exercisers to top UK Olympians.
In 1995, when he was 26 years old, Paul was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  His life up to that point had been good and a small thing called MS wasn’t going to make that much of a difference.  He decided to live by the words of one of the greatest UK comedians who said, “We all have this terminal disease called Death, so just run with it”. Sure enough, Paul ran with it.  He continued as a personal trainer and became part of the World Krankcycle team.  He stumbled into acting and is now in one of the biggest soaps in the UK. 

“We all have paths to take in our lives.  Fun is what life is all about.  If you can smile, it infects others to smile with you.” –Paul Bradbury

Check out his blog at

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