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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just Desserts -- SO SO GOOD!!

Ok. Seriously... I'm not a super dessert lover. They are good, but I don't fiend it like some people.

Just Desserts has changed my mind. The reason is simple. We were doing a training ride in the heat of the summer here in San Diego. It had been almost 60 miles or so, and I was hungry. We arrived at our SAG (Support and Gear) stop where we fuel up on liquid and food for the remainder of the ride.

And that's when I discovered this:

They are these little brownie bites and holy moly guacamole... they were good!! For some reason, these little brownie bites were the perfect thing we needed to refuel. Sweet enough, chocolately enough, and small enough to devour 5 to 10 (it's ok... we just biked 60 miles). I loved them and drool thinking about them.

From that, I asked Just Desserts if they would like to support CAF and our bike ride down the coast. Matt, from Just Desserts, really liked the idea and was so helpful with providing us with support.

So THANK YOU Just Desserts for:
1) Making the best snack size dessert for a biker
2) Support our cause and fueling us down the coast with these awesome bite size brownie bites and mini loaves!! so excited!!!
3) Helping to make my fundraising raffle even better with the Weekend Cake. Check it out here


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