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Friday, October 16, 2009


We arrived in San Francisco, after some flight delays (apparently Obama was in SF today), and the weather was beautiful. Hopefully it stays that way the entire ride down. It's going to be a fun day today... especially since Priya has come to SF to support me for the ride... yayayay!!!!

After a quick shuttle ride to the hotel, we arrived at the Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf. Right outside was one of the cool QMDC/CAF vans that provide support for us.

We checked in and headed out with Steve and Sue for some pizza on Pier 39. Pizza buffet's are awesome!!! yummmm...

Rider orientation was in the evening, so we went back to the hotel and stopped by to check on my bike. It was amongst all 99 other bikes. The room alone with all the bikes in them was worth at least $400,000. The awesome crew from On Support were busy getting everyone's bikes ready for tomorrow. It was also nice to see everyone that we've been training with for the past 20 weeks. You could feel it in the air that everyone was excited and ready to have a good time down the coast.

Colonel Mustard was greeting folks and it looks like he had already started drinking his climbing juice... Bud light.

We got a bunch of more gear. A windbreaker, arm warmers, water bottles, cue clips, socks, shirts, bags, and it kept coming. I don't think I'm going to have to bike clothes for a very long time. Our jerseys looked awesome too!!

There were even masseuses from Cassidy's Clinic giving out some pre-race massages. Brian looked quite happy with his.

The rider orientation started, and Dean (QMDC Co-chair), Vikki, Virginia, and others all gave some quick speeches about rules/safety and the ride. There was even a special tribute to all 11 of the challenged athletes that will be riding down the cost with us. Listening to their stories was touching and inspiring. Each and every one of their stories would make you realize how much they have had to go through and how much CAF has changed their lives for the better. Quadriplegic, paraplegic, double leg amputees, single leg amputees, Iraq and Vietnam veterans... these are tough and amazing people. I am looking forward to hearing all their stories on the ride.

Adam Beck (the radio winner) even said a few words, and today marked the 6th anniversary of when he was diagnosed with cancer. He is a great guy and it's great that he beat the cancer and can take part in this ride!!

After the orientation, I had some dinner with my family (yummy thai food from Mandalay) and then went back to the hotel to sleep.

I'll be meeting Day One when I wake-up.

Miles Ridden Today: 0
Miles Flown Today: 620
Pizza Slices eaten: 4
New pieces of clothing received: about 6

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