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Monday, October 19, 2009

Day Three (quick update):

geez.. I'm tired. 114 miles = a new personal record for me. 6000 feet of mountains and 40 miles of climbing. It was a tiring day.

I'll post more details tomorrow, but one really cool thing was having a chance to ride with some of the key members of the Garmin-Slipstream cycling team, including Christian Vande Velde.

We were going through Big Sur and I heard what I thought was a bullet train coming up on my rear. It was the team riding in a pack of six with Brian Brillo at the back. Brian yelled for me to latch on and I did. We were going 35-40mph down the hills and 15mph up the hills. I could only last with them for about 5 minutes, and then I dropped. But it was crazy. There was even a Garmin chase car following us.

I snapped a quick picture as I was riding the team. Cool! =)

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