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Thursday, October 14, 2010

A surprise date... with the pavement

This year's training for the MDC has been a little interesting. It's been quite a busy summer with weddings, work travel, and especially injuries. In August, I tore my MCL, and that put me out of training for about a month. I was at a great point in my fitness, but had to stop. September rolls around and I'm excited to get back on the bike, especially for our back to back centuries (100 miles Sat and 100 Sun) from San Diego to Palos Verdes.

Last year, I had some issues on this training ride with my IT band. Nope, not a rock band started by a bunch of computer geeks, but my illiotibial band. I didn't know that even exists, but during last year's back to back centuries, my IT band flared up and I couldn't bike for 3 weeks.

So, as luck would have it, I had another incident this year on the back to back centuries. We left Sat morning, and everything was feeling great. We biked through Carlsbad, Oceanside, Newport Beach, and the other Beach cities to Long Beach. The beautiful place that Long Beach is, was also hot as could be -- 100+ degrees. We were hitting some heat exhaustion but made it through to the top of Palos Verde after a quick stop at 7-11.

We stayed at the awesome Terranea resort and had a good time listening to stories from Bill Walton and John Sisicliano during dinner.

Sunday showed up before we knew it and so di the soreness. We were riding along fine all the way to Newport Beach, and then I had a surprise date with a hot, smooth, and good looking piece of .... PAVEMENT!!

We were in a paceline flying through Newport Beach, and then the rolling hills showed up. The group slowed down for the hills, but many of us had some speed going into the hill. The person in front of me moved out to the left to avoid hitting the rider in front of him. My front wheel crosses with his back wheel, and before SPLAT! Before I knew it, I was an aerialist through the air and hit the ground. We were only going 10mph, but my front wheel turned 90 degrees and physics has its way when it wants. CRASH!

All really remember was that my neck had never been contorted in such a weird way. I landed on the back of my head and the majority of my body weight was on my neck which ending up just bending in half. I layed on the ground in pain. For a brief moment I was really worried that this was serious. I slowly rolled over on my back and stopped moving. I looked up and saw all the wonderful MDC riders staring at me, making sure I was conscious, blocking traffic, giving me water and being awesome!!

THEN, this old woman comes up to me. She says she is a nurse and asks me if I'm Indian. I say yes, and she says that she works with a lot of Indians and they are very nice. WHY DO I CARE??? I thought this woman was high.. maybe I was just loopy.

I start to hear sirens and the medics arrived. They asked me a gamut of questions to make sure I was alert and conscious, which I was. They brought the back board and immobilized my neck. I tried to move my neck and I really couldn't --- scary! At that point, I could feel all my extremities which was good but was worried my neck was broken.

The ambulance ride was interesting because I didn't know what to really think. I was pretty worried, but slowly the pain was getting better, so that was a good sign. Arrived at the ER, put on a gurney and my nurse Courtney asked me if I wanted morphine. I laughed and she looked at me funny. I wasn't dying, but I guess morphine is the way to go. I passed on the morphine and she thought I was crazy.

The x-rays were negative but everything still hurt. I had some road rash on my shoulder and ear, but the doc ruled my problem as a neck sprain. No concussion or anything else, just a simple neck sprain.

Two days later, back in San Diego, I'm still really dizzy and I go back to the ER. I wait 5 hours for a 5 minutes CT scan ( i love the US healthcare system), but that's what I get for going to a hospital in La Jolla. Lots of old dying people ...

The ER doc this time said the CT scan was negative, but I had an inner ear concussion which was causing my dizziness. Why couldn't the first ER doc do this? BOOO!!!

So that's my pavement date. My helmet was crushed, which is good because that means it took the impact. My neck is still a bit tight. My dizziness is getting better. I am ready to ride down the coast.. that's what's important right now!!

WEAR YOUR HELMET, otherwise your brain is going to be splattered on the road. I would have probably been paralyzed or dead. I just bought my new helmet 4 days before my crash. My previous helmet was 2 years old and would not have been able to sustain the impact. It really takes A LOT of force to dent a helmet.

This is what's left of it. The back side of the helmet was crushed with the impact. It's a carbon fiber helmet... but Specialized was awesome and gave me a crash replacement helmet. Thank you Specialized!

And here are my CT scans, they are pretty interesting. This does confirm I have a brain... so booyah to all you doubters!!

I especially like this last one. One of my friends it reminds her of something. Can you guess what?

I couldn't either... she says it looks like a clown. I agree!!

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