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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And so it begins...

Yup, I've signed up again. Year number 2 for the Million Dollar Challenge.

So what's different this year?
  1. I did not win the Qualcomm lottery so I will have to raise all $10,000 from scratch. Seriously, this is not easy, so please help. A small donation of $10 is ok. $25 is ok. Even $50 is ok. It's really just a few trips to Starbucks or a few drinks at a bar, especially if you're in Hollywood.
  2. I'm 15 pounds lighter with some new bike gear. It's amazing the difference a year makes. More on that later. I'm pumped to kick butt while riding!
More to come including tidbits on cycling, pictures, videos, and prizes!! Please help and support Challenged Athletes by donating.

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