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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Endomondo Cycling Workout

Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 27.94 miles in 1h:54m:43s using Endomondo."

What to do when you have a flat?

If you get a flat tire, it's pretty simple. Take the tire off the wheel, swap out the tube, and replace the tire. After that, inflate the tire and you're good to go.

And in case you run out of air, I found a place where you can get some on SALE!!!

Carbon Connection USA

I love it!! Hopefully they don't run out of stock.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

There's no stopping Lucy...

Quite an amazing story and a show of how CAF is helping.

There's no stopping Lucy - Somerville - Your Town -
Somerville resident Lucy Coombs, an above knee amputee, competed in her first complete triathlon - the Lincoln Kids Triathlon - on Saturday, June 26. She has a running foot, thanks to a grant from the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF), read more

Million Dollar Challenge Video

Here is a short video compilation highlighting the CAF Million Dollar Challenge ride down the coast. Notice how some of the challenged athletes are whooping the other riders.

Some cheese please...

Yeah, I know it's cheesy. The banana though... that was amazing. I like how you can see the photographer through my Oakley's!!

Endomondo Cycling Workout

Endomondo Cycling Workout: "was out cycling 70.10 miles in 4h:20m:08s using Endomondo."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A little scenic nostalgia

I felt like posting this because the picture is so awesome. This was from the ride down the coast last year. The climbing and mountains were non-stop here, but the views of the coastline more than made up for the pain.

Any guesses where this picture was taken?

GU Energy Rocks

Thank you GU Energy for providing me with so much fuel.  I will need it for the ride down the coast! So much better than the other gels and Vanilla Bean is my favorite!! Can you make it in a candy form please?

And so it begins...

Yup, I've signed up again. Year number 2 for the Million Dollar Challenge.

So what's different this year?
  1. I did not win the Qualcomm lottery so I will have to raise all $10,000 from scratch. Seriously, this is not easy, so please help. A small donation of $10 is ok. $25 is ok. Even $50 is ok. It's really just a few trips to Starbucks or a few drinks at a bar, especially if you're in Hollywood.
  2. I'm 15 pounds lighter with some new bike gear. It's amazing the difference a year makes. More on that later. I'm pumped to kick butt while riding!
More to come including tidbits on cycling, pictures, videos, and prizes!! Please help and support Challenged Athletes by donating.
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Biking and blogging to support Challenged Athletes