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Friday, November 20, 2009

Some questions answered...

Here are some questions that folks have been asking that I thought would be helpful to answer.

What was the longest time we rode for in one day?
The longest time I spent on the the bike seat in one day was about 7 hours. With breaks and lunch, this amounted to about 8 hours of biking on our longest day (Big Sur).

Did we stop for food?
Yes, we had a lunch stop around mile 60 of each day. Lots of sandwiches, pasta salad, cookies, salad, and other things to keep us fueled. Other than that, we carried gels, granola bars, and anything other food item we could fit into our jerseys.

How many people did the ride?
100 QMDC rides and 11 Challenged Athletes.

How many miles did we ride in total?
The computer on my bike said 627 miles when we rolled into La Jolla.

What was the fastest we went?
I think on one of the downhills in Big Sur, I hit 48mph.

Didn't your butt hurt?
After the fourth day, I couldn't feel my butt much. But thank god for chamois butter!! It's amazing!

What was our daily ritual?
In the morning we'd wake up, and have a great breakfast. We'd get our gear on and drop off our luggage to the luggage truck (Thank you luggage angels). We would then find our bikes on the rack and get ready to ride. We would ride for the day, stopping for pictures, food, pie, lunch, and bathroom breaks. When we arrived at the hotel, we would hand our bikes to the mechanics who took amazing care of our bikes (Thank you OnSupport). We then picked up our day bag and got our hotel room keys. We signed up for a massage and grabbed some food and drinks. We ate for a while, got a massage and then went back to our rooms (which were really nice) and freshened up before dinner. At dinner, there was usually a some cocktails and a program with guest speakers. After dinner, everyone hit the sack around 10 or 11pm.

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